Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wanted: The Media That We Need

Mass media is considered to be the master method of communication that plays a very important role in our modern society. It is considered to be the exporter of news on which audience base their thoughts and express their opinions.

In my opinion, there is a big difference between the media we want and the media we need. In general, media is required to satisfy a big portion of their audience. Some people accept the news the way it is while others take that news, go into depth and find the full story behind it. Different sources of media are compiled and delivered precisely with a diversity of information that fits the demand of the community in terms of social, political, cultural, and economic matters. 

In my latest blog I stated that mass media does not totally control our thinking but sites such as social networks keep us up-to-date with diversified thoughts and notions. My media choices are not the best preferences where I can get the most accurate news about a certain incident but it gives me a thread that can lead me to the desired truth by seeking more reliable sites. It is an important part of media literacy when audiences create their own media messages through different means of mass media. Maybe people do not have the skills to publish a newspaper but they are able to share a photo explaining their point of view. For example, when I find a rumor on twitter about an explosion somewhere in the world my first reaction is simply accessing more credible sources such as BBC or CNN and getting the latest updates. 

 By reading several of my peer’s blogs I found that although media producers bid to deliver and convince us with their own standpoint, people still absorb and explicate messages according to their own beliefs and awareness.

Sabrina Taylor Vents shared the exact same idea how people are exposed to an idea and they in turn go in depth seeking reliable exporters to ensure the accuracy of facts “People knew what was happening yet most people choose to still watch the form of media o get reassurance of the information’s they wanted to hear was the truth.”  ( On the other side Sabina and I have a contradicting thought when she said that it’s the same “whether we get the media we want, or want the media we get”.

Alex Mohamed mentioned that media can influence us and make us believe what is said “The media can then influence us by the over-exposure to then make us want the media we get.” ( In my opinion, people are not influenced by any kind of media unless they have some kind of inclination. I’m a living proof that any news I read will never impact me unless there’s something in it that suits my interest and then drags me to search profoundly more trustworthy sites.

Keenan Beaumont simply read my mind by mentioning an incident where he was subject to some gossip about a ridiculous music video and he continues saying  “It only took about a day or two for me to give in to my over powering curiosity.” ( This is precisely a summary of my thoughts. It is human nature that we, as public, are driven towards what makes us curious once something grabs our attention. If Keenan had no interest in the content of the video he would have never thought about it once again.

As a conclusion, various news to different people in one society grasp news distinctly. Some of us want the media that services a common interest and others want the media to be a mean that concentrates on one communal party and describes them. But it’s up to me to choose and get driven towards what fits my interest. Even if I get across some gossip on twitter I simply look it up on professional sites. Therefore, people approach media differently depending on their interest.

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