Thursday, September 26, 2013

1F25 Blog Response 1: Media Impact on Others

When discussing modern society, it is quite evident that there have been considerable changes in the standpoints regarding social media and its impact on society.  After reading and analyzing over ten blogs about how mass media affected one’s world, I came to realize that there was a consensus among these blogs. The consensus is that mass media is negative in one way or another. I am an advocate of social media but after reading their opposing viewpoints, they got me to look at this topic through a different lens and in turn, I found myself agreeing with many points that were made. 

Melissa Froese mentioned the following: “Without the media, like Twitter or Facebook, some people wouldn’t know what is going on in the world” Although these forms of social media do allow news to spread a lot quicker and to a mass amount of people, it does not mean that if you weren’t a part of these mass communication sites you would not know what is going on in the world. I have friends who are not on Facebook, Twitter, etc that are still up to date on world issues. That being said, they do use other websites (such as CNN or online newspapers) to get information. This proves to me that one cannot completely avoid the use of media.  

Katie Flynn had a different position on why technology has negatively affected society. She said: “I feel that all of this technology is terrible for our social skills and has really minimized face to face communication” Upon reflection, I strongly believe that face to face communication has decreased in our lives. We are so quick to email, text, etc., instead of picking up the phone and talking to someone. Another example that came to mind is at my daughter’s school. The students are allowed to stay in during recesses to access online games instead of playing, socializing or being active on the playground. Katie also sparked my interest when she goes into detail about texting while driving. She talked about car crashes and how many lives are lost because of the way we use technology. The ignorance of people who are using technology is disturbing to me. 

Another blog I read by Alexandra Deyman states that: “Using the Internet for school or work purposes are useful, but I am almost positive everyone has drifted off the task at hand and has found himself or herself on a social networking site without even noticing!  Again this proves why mass media can be negative.” I agree with this, as I have been a culprit of this myself.  Through my readings of blogs, it is clear that the majority of people are tied to social media and network sites. Although there are positives of using social media there are plenty of negatives that come along with it.

As previously mentioned mass media has a vast impact on society; whether it is positive or negative. My final thought for this evaluation is that although as a society we heavily rely on social media site, I would hope that people use them for what they are intended for rather than be dominated by them. 

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